
Showing posts from January, 2019


FACTS ABOUT  THE TELEPHONE INVENTION “Ahoy”  was the original telephone greeting.  Alexander Graham Bell suggested ‘ahoy’ (as used in ships), but was later superseded by Thomas Edison, who suggested ‘hello’ instead. The very first phone call was:  “Watson come here, I want you!”.  It was made on March 10, 1876 in Boston, Massachusetts, between Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Thomas A. Watson. In the early days, telephone wires were ranked according to how tasty they were to  mice and rats . The origin of the phrase ‘to put someone on hold’ was Alexander Graham Bell handing over his telephone instrument to his partner Mr Watson and saying,  “here, hold this” . A ton of  mobile phones contains more gold  than a ton of ore from a gold mine. FACTS ABOUT THE TELEPHONE INVENTOR He was born on March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh,  Scotland. He died on August 2, 1922 at the age of 75. Alexander Graham Bell was an influential scientist,  engineer and

Invention VS Inventor / THE COMPASS/ A.S


technological-breakthrough-of-history-The telephone (ALINE)



WHO? The first antibiotic, penicillin, was discovered by  Alexander Fleming  in 1928. WHAT? Antiobiotics  are powerful medicines that fight  bacterial infections . Used properly, antibiotics can save lives. They either kill bacteria or keep them from reproducing. Your body's natural defenses can usually take it from there. WHEN?  Antibiotics were discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 but the  first commercially available antibacterial was Prontosil, a sulfonamide developed by the German biochemist Gerhard Domagk in the 1930s.  Between 1940 and 1962, most of the antibiotic classes we use as medicines today were discovered and introduced to the market. WHERE? It was discovered at St. Mary's Hospital in London. WHY? Fleming described the colony as a “fluffy white mass which rapidly increases in size and after a few days sporulates” and changes color from dark green to black to bright yellow.  Even in the early experimentation stages, pen